Dear Ms. Lauren Bogle,
January 16, 2019 kicked off the start to an eventful and fulfilling semester. In just a few short months, I crossed off some difficult classes, gained valuable relationships and competed on a collegiate team.
To prepare for the more rigorous schedule ahead, I decided to finish organic chemistry this past spring. OChem 2 was without a doubt the most challenging class I have ever taken. I take my academics very seriously and, I will admit, there were times I felt like ripping my hair out because I couldn't understand the difference between an SN1 or an SN2 reaction. But once I turned in that final exam, I felt the greatest weight lift from my shoulders. While the course was difficult, it was also the most rewarding. A few days later, we got our final grades and I was far more proud of that B then I was of the A's I earned in my other classes.
When I was younger, my dad would talk about being a mile deep over a square inch versus an inch deep over a square mile. When asked which one sounded more useful, I always chose the latter. This semester I held onto that ideology and decided to expand my knowledge of meat science and the industry. What better way to achieve this goal than to join the Texas Tech Meat Science Quiz Bowl team? The first day of practice was a little overwhelming, especially with words like tropomyosin and nitrosylhemochromogen thrown around like words people use on a regular basis.
I had no idea that in a few weeks I would understand both of those words and how they related to meat science, along with countless other aspects of muscle contraction and proteins, the USDA-FSIS and FDA, etc.. My team and I spent the semester studying to compete in the quiz bowl competition at RMC (the Reciprocal Meat Conference) that was held in Fort Collins, Colorado. I am excited to say both Tech teams were in the finals and finished National and Reserve National Champions! I will forever cherish the friendships I made on the team that became more like a family. In my mind, nothing is more rewarding.
I am so grateful for the blessings this spring semester has brought, but through it all, I'll never forget who made it all possible - you! Your continued support allows me to attend an amazing university that helps me grow as a young adult through the life-changing opportunities it provides. Thank you so much for your generosity and I can't wait to tell you how next semester pans out! God bless you!
Emma Lessing